
毛 瑢
发布者:ylys     发布日期:2022-10-08     阅读次数:








2007.09 – 2010.06  中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所  生态学专业  博士

2003.09 – 2006.06  昆明理工大学  环境工程专业  硕士

1999.09 – 2003.07  昆明理工大学  环境工程专业  学士


E-mailmaorong@rickyuen.com; maorong23@163.com


 中国自然资源学会森林资源专业委员会委员;中国植物学会水生植物资源与环境专业委员会委员;江西省土壤学会常务理事;《开云博彩》和《Frontiers in Forests and Global change》编辑; Frontiers in Environmental Sciences》客座编辑。







[1] 江西省杰出青年基金“树木菌根类型驱动江西亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤碳积累的微生物碳泵机制”(20212ACB215002),资助金额20万元

[2] 国家自然科学基金委地区基金 “丛枝菌根和外生菌根树种对亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳的影响及其调控机制”(32060295),资助金额35万元

[3] 江西省“双千计划”青年类长期项目“森林土壤学”(jxsq2018106044),资助金额100




[1] Xu Jia-Wen, Yang Na, Shi Fu-Xi, Zhang Yun, Wan Song-Ze, Mao Rong*. 2022. Bark controls tree branch-leached dissolved organic matter production and bioavailability in a subtropical forest. Biogeochemistry, 158:345-355(地学2区)

[2] Wan Songze, Lin Guigang, Liu Bo, Ding Yidong, Li Suli, Mao Rong*. 2022. Contrasting responses of soil phosphorus pool and bioavailability to alder expansion in a boreal peatland, Northeast China. Catena, 212:106128(农林科学1区)

[3] Mao Rong*, Wu Pan-Pan, Xu Jia-Wen, Wan Song-Ze, Zhang Yun. 2021. Leaf litter decomposition in the air should not be ignored in subtropical plantations of China.Forest Ecology and Management, 499:119614(农林科学2TOP

[4] Xu Jia-Wen, Ding Yi-Dong, Li Su-Li, Mao Rong*. 2021. Amount and biodegradation of dissolved organic matter leached from tree branches and roots in subtropical plantations of China. Forest Ecology and Management, 484:118944农林科学2TOP引用8次)

[5] Zhang Xinhou, Wang Lei, Jiang Wei, Mao Rong*. 2020. Functional identity and functional diversity co-regulate litter mixture decomposition and nitrogen release in boreal riparian forest ponds. Biogeochemistry, 151: 99-111地学2区,引用6次)

[6] Xu Jia-Wen, Lin Guigang, Liu Bo, Mao Rong*. 2020. Linking leaf nutrient resorption and litter decomposition to plant mycorrhizal associations in boreal peatlands. Plant and Soil, 448:413-424农林科学1区,引用8次)

[7] Mao Rong*, Chen Hui-Min, Zhang Xin-Hou, Shi Fu-Xi, Song Chang-Chun*. 2016. Effects of P addition on plant C:N:P stoichiometry in an N-limited temperate wetland of Northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 559:1-6(生态与环境学科2区,引用39次)

[8] Mao Rong*, Song Chang-Chun*, Zhang Xin-Hou, Wang Xian-Wei, Zhang Zheng-Hai. 2013. Response of leaf, sheath and stem nutrient resorption to 7 years of N addition in freshwater wetland of Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 364:385-394农林科学1区,引用52次)

[9] Mao Rong, Zeng De-Hui*. 2010. Changes in soil particulate organic matter, microbial biomass and activity following afforestation of marginal agricultural lands in a semi-arid area of Northeast China. Environmental Management, 46:110-116生态与环境学科3区,引用76次)

[10] Mao Rong, Zeng De-Hui*, Hu Ya-Lin, Li Lu-Jun, Yang Dan. 2010. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in an age-sequence of poplar stands planted on marginal agricultural land in Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 332:277-287农林科学2TOP引用117次)


[1] 参编《开云博彩官方网站》(高等教育出版社,2017年)





[1] 江西省“双千计划”引进(青年类)长期计划(2018年)

[2] 江西省“青年井冈学者”

[3] 中国科学院“西部青年学者(A类)”

[4] 中国科学院“青年创新促进会”会员